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5 - 9
30 BXT ~ $11 Per Person
Unlimited participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: BXT
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.28
Distribution Info: After airdrop

1. Visit the BitFxt Airdrop Page

2. Register an account on LAToken, if you do not have one yet.

3. Verify your Email, login to your LAToken account, go to "Account" and apply for Tier 2 verification.

4. Return to the Airdrop Page and scroll down to see the tasks.

5. Join BitFxt´s Telegram channel.   

6. Follow BitFxt´s Twitter account.     

7. Register at BitFxt´s Website by using the same Email you submitted on LAToken.    
8. Use the widget (table) on the Airdrop Page to tweet about the giveaway.

9. Submit your details into their widget (table).