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3 - 21
500 BDT ~ $50 Per Person
15 BDT ~$1,5 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: BDT
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.10
Distribution Info: After ICO

Join Airdrop 


Bitdepositary the world’s first ICO Platform based on Salesforce and Blockchain set to Revolutionize ICO Marketplace Using a Specialist Vetting and User Voting System. 

The Bitdepositary mission is to eliminate scam ICOs and guide less experienced investors to make the right ICO Investment decisions. Its Salesforce integrated Blockchain platform allows users to vote for projects they believe in

BDT is airdropping 500 BDT tokens (~$50) to airdrop participants and 15 BDT tokens (~$1.5) for every referral. 
ICO token price: 1 BDT = 0.10 USD

1. Join our Telegram Channels 
- Telegram English https://t.me/BitdepositaryCommunity
- Telegram Russia https://t.me/Bitdepositary_Community_Russia
- Telegram Germany https://t.me/Bitdepositary_Community_German

2. Like on Facebook

3. Follow on Twitter

4. Register on Bitdepositary Platform HERE!

(If you want to invest in addition to the Airdrop, choose the phase for it and if you only want to take a part in the Airdrop, choose Open Sale at registration)

5. Share this Link on Facebook and Twitter and use hashtag #STOPSCAMS #BITDEPOSITARY #ICO

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bitdepositary/status/1026520222512177157

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bitdepositary/posts/2430409923852020

6. Submit BDT Airdrop form with your BDT User ID HERE!

(you found the User ID on our platform) you will receive 25 BDT tokens (~$2.5)

7. Refer friends with your unique referral link directly from our BDT Portal to get 15 BDT tokens (~$1.5) 

8. For every referred friend who purchase in the Pre Sale phases more than 10.000 BDT Token you get 450 BDT (~$45)

Check your referral balance on Dashboard

Send us a screenshot of your BDT Portal with BDT Token until August 30th and get 25 BDT (~$2.5)

Estimated value: ~$50 + referral


Follow us on Official TokenDrops Twitter and Telegram.