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2 - 7
500 XBM ~ $7 Per Person
Unlimited Participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: XBM
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.014
Distribution Info: After Signup

1. Register an account on Betmatch
2. Verify your email & Login.
3. If you do not see 500 XBM tokens on your balance, please contact team: [email protected]
4. The reward of XBM tokens can only be used on the platform.

5. See the full list of airdrop rules on Betmatch telegram  posted on 18-12-2018.

 About Betmatch

Betmatch is a blockchain solution for bookmakers that primarily allows players to bet against each other and the house using cryptocurrencies with trustworthy customer fund depositing, bet execution, and payouts. The second layer of the system is social betting network with original players and project supporters motivation system.