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0 - 69
18 BCT ~ $9 Per Person
2 BCT ~ $1
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: BCT
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.5
Distribution Info: After ICO
  • Visit the BCoin airdrop page.
  • Create an account at BCoin Exchange.
  • Submit your email address to the airdrop page. (use the same address you used to sign up on the exchange)
  • Join their Telegram group and Telegram channel from the airdrop page. (+4 BCT)
  • Follow them on Twitter and retweet the mentioned tweet. (+2 BCT)
  • Subscribe to their Youtube channel and like the mentioned video. (+2 BCT)
  • Subscribe to their Reddit page and upvote the pinned post. (+2 BCT)
  • Follow them on Medium and clap an article. (+2 BCT)
  • Like their Facebook page and share the mentioned post. (+2 BCT)
  • Follow them on Instagram and like the mentioned post. (+2 BCT)
  • Follow them on LinkedIn and like, share the mentioned post. (+2 BCT)
  • You will get 18 BCT tokens to your Bcoin exchange account linked to your email address.
  • Also get 2 BCT for every referral who completes at least one task.

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