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Axonomy (3)
Axonomy (3)
3 - 14
60 AXON ~$30 Per Person
30 AXON ~$15 Per Ref
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: AXON
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.5
Distribution Info: After KYC

1.  1. Register on the Axonomy Airdrop Platform

2.  2. Join them on Telegram

3.  3. Complete KYC. You can check the status of this on the "Settings" page.

4.  4. You will receive 60 AXON tokens.

5.  5. Once your KYC has been approved, click "Vote" to browse through the projects and vote for your favourite coin

6.  6. The voting steps will appear once your documents have been approved.

8.   * Win up to 10,000 AXOS tokens. Click here for more information.