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3 - 25
3,000,000 ATIS ~$100,000 Giweavay
Unlimited Partipicants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: ATIS
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.0080
Distribution Info: After ICO

Log in to  Event link. Complete easy tasks.

1  JACKPOT WINNER : 1 000 000 Atis (~170 ETH)+ Ledger nano S

2  750 000 Atis (~86 ETH)+ Ledger nano S

3  500 000 Atis (~43 ETH)+ Ledger nano S

4  250 000 Atis

5  100 000 Atis

6  50 000 Atis

7  40 000 Atis

8  30 000 Atis

9  20 000 Atis

10  10 000 Atis

And for 45 winners: 10 000 Atis to 2 500 Winners will be reached via email or social networks.

*Complete tasks to duplicate your chances of winning

* Winners will be contacted via email or social networks the first week of March 2019 and have 7 calendar days to respond. Failure to reply within the time period will result in forfeiture of the prize.