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Alibaba Coin Foundation
Alibaba Coin Foundation
10 - 112
100 ABBC ~ $150 Per Person
50,000,000 ABBC Give Away
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: ABBC
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $1.5
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Sign up on the ABBC Website

You will be required to complete the form and KYC, you can choose to do this later when it comes to receiving your ABBC tokens. Ensure you input a valid e-mail address and phone number as you will be required to verify them both

2. Download the ABBC application on the Google Play Store or iTunes Store

3. You will receive 100 ABBC tokens, and an additional 20 AABC tokens for every referral who completes the above steps.


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