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Aion (Coinomi)
Aion (Coinomi)
2 - 10
AION ~ 1 Stakes Per Person
Unlimited participants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: AION
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.4
Distribution Info: After ICO

Coinomi partnered with Aion to reward the users with $AION coins! All participants will get a determined amount of coins in form of a giveaway, and one lucky user will be randomly selected to win an extra 10.000 AION coins (~$ 4,000).

1. Download the mobile app and create an account. Android or IOS

2. Chat with the Coinomi Airdrop Telegram Bot

3. Complete the human captcha

4. Follow Coinomi on Twitter & Follow their CEO Twitter

5. Retweet this Airdrop Announcement tweet by Coinomi.

6. Join Coinomi Telegram Group & Telegram Channel

7. Follow AION on Twitter & Telegram

8. Similarly, complete other different tasks

9. Submit your AION wallet address (You must use a Coinomi address)

Earn extra entries with your referral link