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Aerum (5)
Aerum (5)
3 - 19
1,000,000 XRM ~ 15 Stakes Per Person
Unlimited Partipicants
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: XRM
Token type: ETH
ICO Token Price: $0.06
Distribution Info: After ICO

Facebook airdrop 300,000 XRM valued at $18,000.

1. Like Aerum Facebook Account + share (+2 Stakes)

2. Review and recommend Aerum Page (+2 Stakes)

3. Share your information on the Facebook airdrop form

Telegram airdrop 400,000 XRM valued at $24,000.

1. Join Aerum Telegram Channel (+1 Stake)

2. Invite your friends to their Telegram Group (+1 Stake per friend)

3. Share your information on the Telegram airdrop form

! You can not participate in this Airdrop if you've participated in their Telegram Airdrop Round 1,2,3

Medium airdrop 300,000 XRM valued at $18,000.

1. Follow Aerum Medium Page (+1 Stake)

2. Clap 1 Aerum article (+1 Stake)

3. Share your information on the Medium airdrop form


Complete all tasks (+6 Stakes)

If you are a Crowdholding user, you can provide your Crowdholding account URL (+1 Stake)

* Each user will receive up to 15 stakes (~$ 18 ~ $ 180) and 1 Stake for every referral to Telegram group (~$1.20 ~ $12).

The limits of each stake will vary between 20 and 200 XRM ($1.20 ~ $12). ICO price: 1 XRM = 0.06 USD