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1 - 11
25 LIL ~ $5.77Per Person
25 LIL ~ $5.77Per Ref
147.625 LIL tokens will be airdroped totally.
5652 Participants have joined out of 20.000.
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: LIL
Token type: Ethereum
ICO Token Price: 0.001 ETH
Distribution Info: After ICO

1. Complete the tasks.
2. Retweet the following Tweet: https://twitter.com/lili_mktplace/status/1010115776148361216

Lili is an autonomous ecosystem consisting of a marketplace, shared databases distributed on a public Blockchain platform, and a cryptocurrency: the LIL. Lili puts investors seeking tailored financial asset allocation strategies (Clients), in contact with Allocators who offer such allocations. Lili facilitates the Client’s search for best allocations by listing those that best correspond to their expectations, objectives, profiles and projects.

Lili’s goal is to make the offering and placement of financial asset allocations cheaper and more efficient by setting up a site that is competitive and transparent. Because this project meets the requirement for clarity, simplicity and education expected by individuals and companies alike who lack the financial infrastructure and expertise to actively monitor the best ways to invest their cash.