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0 - 17
Daily Rewards
Partners: NEO & ONTology
Airdrop Ends
0 Ended
Ticker: DAD
Token type: NEO
ICO Token Price: $0
Distribution Info: After ICO

DAD is a decentralized advertising blockchain empowering users. Using Smart Contracts and Token Economy, DAD achieves data openness, transaction transparency and revenue sharing with users.

10 Million DAD Spark Plan!

How to get DAD?

1. Registration. All registered users share the released DAD on the same day. The share of released DAD will be diminished weekly, and decreasing every day during the week.

2. Invitation. The released DAD on the day will be allocated according invited people to the total number of invitations on the day.

3. KYC is required, PLEASE COMPLETE IT to be able to withdraw your DAD Tokens.

Partnership with NEO and ONTology!

NO ICO - They are rewarding early supporters and hence will not have any ICO.

Join DAD Airdrop HERE!

What is the DAD distributed time?

All released DAD on the same day will be settled at 0:00 on the morrow, that is, rewards of DAD will be distributed on the same day.

Follow us on Official TokenDrops Twitter and Telegram